Amber Watts, PhD

- Associate Professor
- Lab Director
- Psychology (Clinical; Brain Behavior and Quantitative)
Contact Info
Lawrence, KS
Biography —
Education —
Research —
Research interests:
- Cognitive Aging
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Older Adults
- Midlife
- Physical Activity
- Sleep
- Accelerometry
- Lifestyle Interventions
- Menopause
- Sex Differences
Teaching —
Teaching interests:
- Graduate Research Methods
- Undergraduate Honors in Psychology
Selected Publications —
- Watts, A., Szabo-Reed, A., Baker, J., Vacek, J., Clutton, J., Mahnken, J., Key, M. N., Vidoni, E. D., & Burns, J. M. (2024).LEAP! Rx: A pragmatic approach to lifestyle medicine prescription. Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
- Wiranto, Y., Siengsukon, C., Vidoni, E., Mazzotti, D., Burns, J. M., & Watts, A. (in press). Sex differences in the role of sleep on cognition in older adults. Sleep Advances.
- Medina, V., Watts, A., Fracachan-Cabrera, M., Hazlewood, C., Ramirez- Mantilla, M., Vidoni, E., & Perales-Puchalt, J., (in press). Analysis of engagement with CuidaTEXT, a text message intervention for dementia caregiver support among Latinos/as. Ethnicity & Health. doi: 10.1080/13557858.2024.2387111
- Honea, R. A., Hunt, S., Lepping, R. J., Vidoni, E. D., Morris, J. K., Watts, A., Michaelis, E., Burns, J. M., & Swerdlow, R. H. (2023). Alzheimer’s disease cortical morphological phenotypes are associated with TOMM40 ‘523-APOE haplotypes. Neurobiology of Aging, 132, 131-144. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2023.09.001
- Watts, A., Haneline, S., Welsh-Bohmer, K. A., Wu, J., Alexander, R., Swerdlow, R.H., Burns, D. K., Saunders, A. M. (2023). TOMM40 ‘523 genotype distinguishes patterns of cognitive improvement for executive function in APOE ε3 homozygotes. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. doi: 10.3233/JAD-230066
- Hicks, H., & Watts, A. (2023). Differential effects of chronotype on physical activity and cognitive performance in older adults. Frontiers: Epidemiology.doi:10.3389/fepid.2023.1029221
- Watts, A. & Jen, S. (2023). Context-dependent sexual changes during women’s midlife transitions. Journal of Women and Aging. doi: 10.1080/08952841.2023.2195321
- Perales-Puchalt, J., Ramirez-Mantilla M., Fracachan-Cabrera, M., Vidoni, E. D., Ellerbeck, E. F., Ramirez, A. S., Watts, A., Williams, K., and Burns, J. M. (2022). A text message intervention to support Latino dementia family caregivers (CuidaTEXT): Feasibility study. Clinical Gerontologist. DOI: 10.1080/07317115.2022.2137449
- Watts, A., Chalise, P., Hu, H., Hui, D., Pa, J., Andrews, S., Michaelis, E. K., & Swerdlow, R.(2022). A mitochondrial DNA haplogroup defines patterns of five-year cognitive change. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. doi:10.3233/JAD-220298
- Ghosal, R., Varma, V. R., Volfson, D., Urbanek, J., Hausdorff, J. M., Watts, A., & Zipunnikov, V. (2022). Scalar on time-by-distribution regression and its application for modelling associations between daily-living physical activity and cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s Disease. Scientific Reports, 12:11558,
- Perales-Puchalt, J., Acosta-Rullan, M., Ramirez-Mantilla, M. Espinoza-Kissell, P., Vidoni, E., Niedens, M., Ellerbeck, E., Hinton, L., Loera, L., Susana Ramirez, A., Lara, E., Watts, A., Williams, K. Resendez, J., & Burns, J. (2022). Development of CuidaTEXT: A text message intervention to support Latino dementia family caregivers. JMIR Aging, 5(2),e35625, doi:10.2196/35625
Awards & Honors —
Menopause Society Mentorship Program (2022-2024)
Public Scholars Trainee (2022)
Keeler Fellowship (Spring 2021)
First Book Workshop, Hall Center (Spring 2020)
Fellow, Gerontological Society of America (2018)
Retirement Research Foundation Scholarship (2016)
Retirement Research Foundation Fellow (2015)
ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Aging Research Visiting Fellowship Travel Award (2015)
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
2024-2026 A. Watts (Research Project Leader)
Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE), National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) and NIH Office of the Director (OD)
COBRE title: Leveraging Big Data to Improve Women’s Health
Project title: Risk and Prevention Factors for Cognitive Function in the Menopause Transition
Developing a Representative Cohort to study Midlife Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease
Developmental Award, KU Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
2022-2023 A. Watts (PI)
Sex-based disparities in Alzheimer’s disease risk at Midlife
General Research Fund, KU
2022- S. Billinger (PI) and J. Burns (PI), A. Watts (Training Faculty)
Institutional Training Program, Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center T32, NIA
2020-2022 Perales-Puchalt (PI), Niedens, Burns, Vidoni (Co-Is), Watts (Consultant)
CuidaTXT: a Text Message Dementia-Caregiver Intervention for Latinos
NIA R21 AG065755-01
2019-2020 A. Watts (PI)
Physical Activity and Sleep Study in Older Adults
General Faculty Research Fund, University of Kansas
2019-2023 R. Swerdlow (PI), A. Watts (Co-I)
Mechanistic basis of the mtDNA haplogroup J – Alzheimer’s disease association
National Institutes of Health 1R01AG061194-01
2017-2021 J. Burns (PI), A. Watts Co-I (Project Director)
Prescribing Smart Aging: Integrating Health Systems with Community-Based Lifestyle Interventions
National Institute on Aging 1R01AG052954-01
2016- R. Swerdlow (PI), A. Watts (Co-I)
University of Kansas Alzheimer’s Disease Core Center
National Institute on Aging P30AG035982
Service —
- Director, Undergraduate Honors in Psychology
- Board of Directors, Brain Health Training Program, University of Kansas Medical Center
- Board of Directors, Night of Hope
- Data Safety Monitoring Board, NIH